Mission Statement
Teen Ranch exists to introduce young people to Jesus Christ through an affordable, enjoyable, educational, and safe camp experience provided by a community of caring, growing Christians.

The concept for Teen Ranch was born in September of 1953 through the vision of Doug Gibb. Whilst working overseas in Maryland, USA, he witnessed a form of camping ministry which did not yet exist in Australia. Joined by a Canadian singing group, The King’s Men, Doug returned to Australia with his young family and set about finding a location for the new ministry. The King’s Men toured the country, spreading awareness via radio and television appearances for two years before they were able to purchase a property on the banks of the Nepean River in Cobbitty, NSW.
The site was a portion of the estate formerly known as Pomare Grove; land granted to the Reverend Thomas Hassall in 1817. The property had a single building, a two-storey former guest house, Pomare House, affectionately known as the “Whitehouse”. A heritage listed residence, built in 1902, it still stands and is part of the Teen Ranch legacy.
With land purchased and a band of willing volunteers, the work could begin.
On 1st April 1961, Teen Ranch Australia was established and has been in continuous operation since.
As an independent campsite, Teen Ranch is overseen by a Board of Directors. The current board consists of six members, all of whom are former full-time and voluntary staff members of Teen Ranch. They have vast experience in camping ministries and other areas.
The Resident Directors are board members who, whilst living on site, have the responsibility of executing the policies of the board in line with the mission objectives of the Ranch.